Project Name: Koka-Adulala-Debrezeit Design and Build Road Project.
Project Client and Consultant: Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) and NET Consulting Engineers & Architects Plc. respectively are the clients and consultants of the Project respectively.
Contractor: ASER Construction Plc
Project Description: The Design and Build road project extends from Modjo town branching to the right from the existing Modjo-Hawassa trunk road at the exit of Koka town and traverses through Dire town; then it crosses in the North-East direction to terminate at Debrezeit town. The Project involves Design and Construction of Asphalt Concrete Road Project having a total design length of 52.22Km.
Current Project Status: As of march 10, 2017 major works of clearance and earth work as well as sub base works has been completed 99 and 56 percents respectively while bridge, slab culvert, pipe culvert and drainage works has completed 99, 98, 100 and 41 percents respectively. Complete asphalt overlay works for 16 km of the road has been completed so far. As a result 65.7 percent of the total work of the project has been completed.